Last Updated on:

Jun 9, 2024

27 Best Mental Health Website Design Inspiration of 2024

Creating a website is like crafting a welcoming home. For mental health websites, it's even more important. These websites need to feel safe, inviting, and easy to use. Just like a cozy room, a well-designed website can make a huge difference in how people feel when they visit.

In this blog post, we'll explore 27 best mental health website design out there. Each one has something special that makes it great.

Whether it's the soft colors, clear messages, or helpful tools, these websites have found the right balance.

If you're a website designer or developer looking for ideas, you're in the right place. Let's dive in and get inspired by these amazing examples!

Best Practices for Mental Health Website Design

Designing a mental health website is a bit like creating a safe space for someone who needs support. It's important to make sure the site feels welcoming, easy to navigate, and provides the right information without any hassle.

Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Use Calm Colors: Soft blues, greens, and pastels can make visitors feel more relaxed. Avoid bright, harsh colors that might be overwhelming.

  2. Simple Navigation: Make it easy for users to find what they're looking for. Clear menus and simple layouts help visitors feel comfortable and not lost.

  3. Readable Fonts: Choose fonts that are easy to read. Avoid overly fancy or small text. Your goal is to make the content accessible to everyone.

  4. Encouraging Images: Use images that promote a sense of peace and well-being. Photos of nature, smiling faces, or gentle landscapes can help set a positive tone.

  5. Clear Calls to Action: Make sure it's obvious how visitors can get help or more information. Buttons and links should stand out but not be too flashy.

  6. Accessibility: Ensure your website is usable for people with disabilities. This includes using alt text for images, making sure the site works well with screen readers, and having keyboard-friendly navigation.

  7. Privacy Assurance: Mental health is a sensitive topic. Reassure visitors that their privacy is protected with clear privacy policies and secure forms.

  8. Helpful Resources: Provide easy access to articles, guides, and other resources that can help visitors understand their mental health better.

  9. Social Proof: Adding real customer reviews and testimonials can build trust and credibility. When visitors see that others have had positive experiences, they are more likely to feel confident about seeking help from your website. These reviews can be displayed on the homepage or on a dedicated testimonials page to highlight the positive impact of your services.

By following these best practices, you can create a mental health website that truly supports and comforts its visitors. Remember, the goal is to make them feel at ease and provide the help they need in the simplest way possible.

Now, let's jump into the best websites for mental health.


Brightside Health

Brightside Health provides online mental health care, offering services like psychiatry and therapy. It caters to individuals aged 13 and older, helping them manage anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns through personalized care plans.

Things we love:

Brightside Health excels in Mental Health Website Design by using clear and direct language to explain their services, making it easy for visitors to understand what they offer. The site prominently mentions that they accept most major insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid, which reassures users about affordability.

Another great feature is the quick appointment scheduling, with options to book a session within 24 hours, showing their commitment to timely care. These elements combined create a user-friendly experience that effectively communicates their dedication to accessible mental health support.


Charlie Health

Charlie Health offers personalized, intensive mental healthcare with a focus on young people in crisis. Their virtual Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) combines individualized treatment plans with peer support to facilitate long-term healing.

Things we love:

This website excels at creating an immediate sense of trust and urgency by stating that new clients can start their treatment within 24 hours. This quick turnaround time is highlighted multiple times, making it clear to visitors that help is available right away. The inclusion of real-life testimonials adds authenticity and makes the service relatable, showing tangible success stories. Additionally, the website’s clear call-to-action to reach out 24/7 for help ensures that visitors know exactly what steps to take next.


Little Otter

Little Otter provides personalized online mental health care for children aged 0-14 and their families. It focuses on prevention, early identification, and treatment, offering therapy, psychiatry, and couple’s counseling.

Things we love:

This is a great example of a health and wellness website design. It stands out by clearly addressing the child mental health crisis as a family issue. The homepage immediately engages visitors with a strong value proposition: "At Little Otter, kids get better. So do their parents." This builds an emotional connection from the start.

Additionally, the website features a seamless journey for users by using a proprietary screening tool to understand family needs before offering tailored care plans. This ensures that families receive the most suitable mental health support right from the beginning.


The Good Mental Health Company

This website offers affordable online and in-person counselling and psychotherapy services across the UK, with face-to-face sessions available in Elephant and Castle, London. They provide an accessible way for individuals to receive high-quality mental health support.

Things we love:

The website clearly outlines the process of engaging in therapy, from booking an assessment to starting regular sessions. This step-by-step guide with short, concise descriptions helps potential clients understand what to expect, reducing any anxiety they might feel about the process.


Lyra Health

Lyra Health is a platform offering evidence-based mental health care to improve lives and boost business outcomes. They provide a range of services from self-guided programs to therapy and medication management, ensuring comprehensive mental health support for all.

Things we love:

Lyra Health’s website stands out in Mental Health Website Design because it prioritizes user experience with clear, concise information. The "Concierge member experience" section explains how employees receive personalized care, making it easy for users to see immediate benefits.

Also, the "Workforce transformation" and "Real results for your people" sections use concrete statistics like "88% of members improve with care", reinforcing trust with tangible evidence of their effectiveness. These elements make the site both informative and reassuring, key aspects for a mental health platform.


Spring Health

Spring Health is a perfect mental health solution for employers and health plans, offering personalized care plans, therapy appointments, and wellness exercises to improve employee well-being and business outcomes.

Things we love:

Spring Health’s website stands out because it provides immediate access to mental health support. Members can book same-day appointments, ensuring they get help when they need it most. This quick access is crucial for people seeking mental health support and sets an example for other mental health website designs.

One notable feature is the dedicated Care Navigator who guides users throughout their mental health journey. This personal touch not only enhances user experience but also builds trust, showing other websites the importance of combining technology with human support.


Meru Health

Meru Health offers a wide-range of mental health program that provides continuous access to dedicated therapists, self-paced lessons, and a unique wearable device. This 12-week program is proven to deliver significant improvements in mental health.

Things we love:

Meru Health's website does a great job of explaining how their program works with clear and concise language, making it easy for visitors to understand the benefits quickly. The inclusion of real-time data from their wearable device shows the connection between emotional and physical responses, which adds a layer of credibility and innovation to their approach. Additionally, the site features impressive statistics on the effectiveness of their program, which builds trust with potential users.


Iris Telehealth

Iris Telehealth offers behavioral health care solutions for organizations, addressing the needs of patients across all ages, acuity levels, and diagnoses. They provide long-term support to health systems and community clinics through their team of experienced psychiatrists, social workers, and nurse practitioners.

Things we love:

The website does a great job of explaining how they improve patient care through quality-focused models. For instance, they mention their rigorous provider vetting process, showing their commitment to high standards. This transparency builds trust with users and sets a good example for website designers on how to convey the strengths and reliability of their services. Additionally, the integration of testimonials from satisfied partners like Geisinger Health and Chapa-De Indian Health adds authenticity and credibility, making it easier for potential clients to trust their services.



Unmind offers a excellenet mental health platform that combines science-backed tools, coaching, and therapy to enhance workplace wellbeing. It provides tailored solutions for both employees and leaders to foster a healthier work environment.

Things we love:

Unmind brilliantly uses a data-driven approach to pinpoint wellbeing challenges within an organization. This helps companies tailor their mental health strategies effectively. The website also features real stories and case studies, providing relatable content that engages users and builds trust. The inclusion of a podcast and blog offers additional resources, making the site a hub for mental health education and support.



BetterHelp offers the world's largest online therapy service, featuring credentialed therapists who help with various mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and trauma through messages, chat, phone, and video sessions.

Things we love:

The matching process is personalized and simple. Customers answer a few questions to find a therapist suited to their needs. This makes the experience feel tailored and thoughtful. For designers, creating an engaging and user-friendly onboarding process can significantly enhance user satisfaction.

Lastly, the clear comparison between BetterHelp and traditional in-office therapy is informative and helps users quickly understand the benefits. Including comparative charts or tables can help visitors make informed decisions faster.


Eleanor Health

Eleanor Health offers secure and confidential outpatient addiction treatment services, including personalized virtual rehab, individual online appointments with licensed clinicians, and safe medical detox. They provide medication, therapy, and peer support to help individuals on their recovery journey.

Things we love:

Eleanor Health's website effectively communicates its services with clear and concise language, making it easy for visitors to understand what they offer right from the get-go. The "How it works" section is particularly well-structured, walking users through the process step-by-step with explanations and expectations for each stage. This transparency helps build trust and eases the anxiety of seeking treatment.


Mantra Health

Mantra Health partners with higher education institutions to provide students with comprehensive, high-quality mental health and wellness solutions. They aim to support student wellbeing and foster social connectedness on campus.

Things we love:

This website does a great job of showcasing how their services impact students through real testimonials. For example, quotes from students and university staff highlight the effectiveness and accessibility of their mental health services. This personal touch helps to build trust and connection with the audience, making it clear how their services can make a positive difference.


BrightLife Kids

BrightLife Kids offers free mental health support for California families, including virtual therapy, psychiatry, and coaching. They partner with employers and major insurers to provide affordable and accessible care for children and teens.

Things we love:

BrightLife Kids makes it simple for families to start getting help by giving clear steps: create an account, tell them about your family, and book an appointment quickly. This straightforward process helps families get the support they need without waiting for months. Also, their personalized approach using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ensures that each child gets care tailored to their unique needs.



MYNDUP offers same-day mental health support to employees through 1-1 video sessions, covering a wide range of services like meditation, therapy, career coaching, mindfulness, counselling, and life coaching.

Things we love:

The website effectively showcases its services by listing them clearly at the top, making it easy for users to know what's available right away. For instance, mentioning "Meditation" and "Therapy" first sets a calm and professional tone.

The step-by-step process for booking a session is broken down simply into three steps: finding a practitioner, choosing a time, and starting the live session. This straightforward approach minimizes any confusion or stress for users.


Parsley Health

Parsley Health is a modern medical practice focused on root-cause resolution medicine to diagnose and treat chronic conditions, unexplained symptoms, and optimize overall health. They offer services nationwide and provide an in-depth health and wellness assessment.

Things we love:

The detailed and personal success stories like Sarah’s journey are compelling and show the effectiveness of their approach. These real-life examples help visitors relate and understand the potential impact on their own health.

The website emphasizes a comprehensive, 360° health assessment, making it clear that they look beyond standard lab tests. This gives visitors confidence in the thoroughness of the services provided.



Elemy offers extensive care for children with autism, focusing on personalized, collaborative support to help children achieve new milestones. They provide evaluation, diagnosis, and customized at-home therapy plans.

Things we love:

Elemy's website shines because it clearly communicates their process and services through a user-friendly approach. They start by understanding the child's history and concerns, ensuring no time is wasted during the initial meeting. This shows a deep commitment to personalized care. The "How it works" section is particularly effective as it breaks down the journey in a straightforward manner, making it easy for parents to understand what to expect.

Additionally, the call-to-action buttons like "Get Started" are strategically placed, guiding users effortlessly through the site. These elements make it a standout example of a mental health website.



HelloSelf is a platform dedicated to providing therapy and coaching services tailored to individual needs, helping users across the UK improve their mental health and well-being through accessible and convenient care.

Things we love:

The personalized matching feature at HelloSelf ensures that users are paired with therapists who best fit their specific needs. This thoughtful approach is highlighted on the site with clear, reassuring language, making it evident that they prioritize truly connecting individuals with the right support. This not only enhances user trust but also improves the overall effectiveness of the therapy provided.



Healios is a platform dedicated to providing mental health, autism, and ADHD services for children and young people. It aims to make quality care accessible by combining compassionate clinicians with innovative technology, supporting individuals from assessment through ongoing care.

Things we love:

One standout feature is how Healios involves families in the care process. By allowing family members to join sessions virtually, the website fosters a supportive environment that encourages collective understanding and participation. This approach not only enhances the therapeutic experience but also helps build a strong support network around the child or young person.



ieso offers trusted mental health treatment through one-to-one typed therapy, available for free to many NHS patients in the UK. They provide cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to help people with issues like anxiety and depression.

Things we love:

The detailed step-by-step process on the website shows users exactly what to expect, from checking eligibility to continued support after treatment. This clear, informative approach helps build trust and makes the whole experience less intimidating for new visitors.


Tava Health

Tava Health is a website that helps employers and their employees easily access licensed therapists. They focus on providing premium mental healthcare at affordable prices, making it simple for people to get the help they need.

Things we love:

Tava Health’s website allows users to find and schedule appointments with therapists in just a few clicks, making it incredibly easy for anyone to get started. This straightforward process not only saves time but also reduces the stress of seeking mental health support.



Calmerry is an online platform offering access to licensed mental health professionals and self-therapy tools. It provides convenient online therapy sessions and flexible subscription options to help improve mental well-being.

Things we love:

This website effectively communicates its services using clear, human-centric language. For example, phrases like "Build a life with greater meaning" resonate emotionally, making visitors feel understood and supported. This approach encourages engagement and trust, which are crucial for a mental health website.



Journey is an innovative employee engagement program designed to help team members live happier, healthier, and less-stressed lives. This website offers diverse resources and support to improve employee well-being and productivity.

Things we love:

This website excels in showcasing real-world results through clear statistics and testimonials. For example, it highlights a 20% reduction in stress and a 10% increase in productivity among users, making it easy for visitors to understand the benefits. This approach not only builds trust but also effectively communicates the impact of their services.



Headspace provides a mental health app designed to improve well-being with guided meditations, sleep aids, and mindfulness exercises.

Things we love:

The clear and inviting call-to-action buttons on the Headspace website are fantastic. Phrases like "Try for free" are prominently displayed, encouraging users to take immediate action. This straightforward approach helps guide visitors towards exploring the app's benefits without any confusion.



Talkspace is a digital mental health service that connects users with licensed therapists and psychiatric providers. It offers therapy and psychiatry services through live video sessions and messaging, making mental health care accessible and flexible for everyone.

Things we love:

The clear comparison between Talkspace and in-person therapy highlights the convenience of online therapy. By listing specific benefits like easy appointment scheduling and no travel time, the website effectively communicates its advantages. This approach can inspire designers to use direct comparisons to showcase their service's unique benefits.

J. Ryan Fuller, Ph.D.

J. Ryan Fuller, Ph.D. offers evidence-based therapy for New Yorkers, helping clients overcome challenges such as anxiety, depression, anger, and perfectionism. The website highlights Dr. Fuller’s expertise in providing individualized therapy, couples therapy, and executive coaching to help clients achieve their personal goals.

Things we love:

This website stands out in Mental Health Website Design because it combines clear messaging with professional imagery to create a welcoming atmosphere. The use of high-quality photos of Dr. Fuller and his practice not only adds a personal touch but also builds trust and credibility. The content is structured in a way that visitors can easily find information about specific services like Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Anger Management, making it user-friendly and informative.

Nue Life

Nue Life is a mental wellness company focusing on the therapeutic use of psychedelics, particularly ketamine, to facilitate lasting change. They offer a comprehensive ecosystem that includes at-home ketamine therapy, an interactive app, and virtual aftercare programs.

Things we love:

The inclusion of real-life testimonials from patients like Michael G., Kimberly P., and Mitchell A. adds a personal touch that resonates emotionally with visitors. The detailed breakdown of their process—from discovering the program to growing through personalized healing journeys—provides clarity and reassurance for potential users. The seamless integration of their free app, which supports users even if they are not undergoing ketamine therapy with Nue Life, highlights their commitment to accessibility and ongoing support.

Red Top Wellness Center

Red Top Wellness Center is a trusted facility devoted to the treatment of mental health disorders. They offer compassionate, personalized care with a variety of therapies for conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Things we love:

The website’s layout prioritizes clarity and warmth, making it approachable for visitors. The "Disorders We Treat" section clearly lists conditions, providing immediate reassurance and understanding.

The "Innovative, Compassionate & Personalized Care" section effectively communicates the center’s ethos, emphasizing their evidence-based methodologies and nurturing environment. This thoughtful design makes it an excellent example of effective Wellness Website Design.

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